Moments of Joy

We provide moments of joy to children who might otherwise go without.

We provide what we call “moments of joy” for thousands of children every year affected by poverty, hardship, disability or illness. We know that events and experiences that make childhood memorable aren't always accessible to everyone and so we provide moments of joy through gifts, birthday cakes, events, parties, vouchers, and experiences to children referred by our Community Partners.

Alongside these referrals, we provide memorable events and experiences like celebrity and sports star experiences, and funding for school trips and events for children who would otherwise go without.

Over the last three years we've provided events and experiences for multiple school communities, early education centres, kōhanga reo, special education units, and over 358 children in children's hospitals.

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"I just wanted to say thank you for the care package you so quickly put together for my patient. The child was so happy and smile was something I wish I could have shared with you all but please know you bought a lot of joy to that little girl’s day. It honestly turned her day around.I can imagine it’s hard sometimes not seeing the final result when your parcels are delivered but please know they are so appreciated and bring a lot of joy and comfort”.
Starship Community Nurse
"Matariki is a special time for us and is our biggest celebration of the year. We call our event 'Rise Up Whānau Matariki' as every day, week, month and year, our whānau continue to rise up like the stars of Matariki against the challenges, the struggles and the stigma of living in our community. Without the support of KC we would not be able to put on such an event and give our whānau the night they deserve".
Emma Jane Jones, Kaiako, Ngā Taonga Early childhood Education Centre
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